
Tune-In Tuesday #3: Sequel Slumpage

October 2, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

October is Sequels Month!!

If you are one of my readers you know why this is exciting. I have *three* sequels set up to tackle. This is an unset number but I hope to make significant progress with two of them as they are already partly penned and plotted.

Two. Partly. Penned. Sequels.

Ah, the sequel slumpage. It wasn’t an intentional one. Through a combination of the mad scramble to find a foothold in publishing, the chaos of parenthood, stress, time, and myriad other factors those sequels kept getting pushed back for other projects. Much to the annoyance of my readers…

Confession time: I am not an author with a plan. I am an author with many irons in the fire, trying to see which one looks malleable enough to continue working on. I have struggled with motivation. If certain books were ‘worth’ finishing. Do you pour countless hours into a trilogy that has no chance of take- off or do you pen a new project and keep trying to push forward? And when you finally DO find a home for your books, you face a whole new mess of time x editing x marketing.

This year I found a home for Marrow Charm, a book I was near giving up on. It was a project of my heart but couldn’t find a publishing home. This is a trilogy I have plotted to THE END and now I have the motivation, means, and backing to really finish the series.

Zombies vs Aliens is another trilogy that has dragged for several reasons, including the heart breaking launch implosion it suffered with its initial release. I have spent nearly three years trying to find a way to fund the editing, design, and release of book two and three. It’s been an uphill battle to the max and now, on the tail end of 2018, I think I have finally hit a point that I can progress.

To finally hit this point in my career, where I find not only a demand for sequels, but a means of production, is a huge step on a long road. Between October and November, I have plans to end 2018 on a high professional note. And with two book releases set for 2019, I hope to keep the momentum going.

Current Song Obsession:

Have you seen this glorious madness? In a full on tribute to everything 80’s combined with the national treasure that is Terry Crews, the entertainment factor alone is worth it and the song is a total earworm.

Currently Reading:

I am currently beta reading a secret project for the lovely Leigh W. Stuart, author of the 12 Dares of Christmas, which is a delightful and funny holiday romance.